⦁ To carry out Environmental Education of the public, particularly the youth, on the need to protect the environment.
⦁ To improve food security, land use and environmental tourism through improved sanitation, and, sustainable biodiversity utilisation and development.
⦁ To facilitate the conduct of studies and research on issues related to the environment particularly land use and food security.
⦁ To collaborate with traditional authorities, national and International organizations and agencies for the purpose of realization of Foundation’s objectives.
These objectives would be achieved through:
- Imparting skills and sharing of experiences intended to enable communities to participate and contribute effectively on environmental management, Social and economic activities.
- Conduct of seminars, workshops, debates, public fora, trainings, etc.
- Documentation for the purposes of raising awareness on environmental issues.
⦁ Annual reports.
⦁ Maintenance of website – www.enconfoundation.org